Ryan | Lifegroups

So, I would say that the way that life groups have really been there for me and come through for me is just the fact that it's more time to be intentional with God's Word, but also it helps bridge that gap between Sundays. It helps kind of carry you over from what you get out of Sunday service and help kind of keep you going until the next Sunday. And what's great about the men's groups that I'm a part of is that when we're diving into God's Word or we're having these discussions around application of God's Word you get to hear everyone else's perspectives because if you when you just kind of by yourself you tend to think of it purely from your own life lessons and life learnings and how Scripture is speaking to you and then you might take that and kind of run with it.

Being in a group with other men that are hungry for God's Word is so hard to find in the world. And that's why life groups are so important in church, is to really build that community of the church body. You can't do that on Sundays. I mean, you can spend time afterwards and catching up with people and saying hello and passing, but it's through those life groups where you build those relationships with other people. Something amazing about the Wednesday night men's group is everyone is OK with being vulnerable.

And there's been many a times where myself included where I've shared past history about when my dad died and how that impacted me. My time from being a combative atheist to becoming a Christian in that testimony. And I'm not always comfortable telling that to everyone because there is shame and guilt that comes with my past actions that I've learned to put behind me. But sharing that isn't always easy in the world. And that group that I'm in on Wednesdays have made it extremely easy to do that. And other people do the same thing. And it's truly amazing to see, you know, when one person is comfortable enough to be vulnerable, especially with men, because we're just not typically comfortable with being vulnerable and open like that, it just like dominoes.

Crosspoint Church